
Nico Ranson’s Bridge Camp

The Illawarra Bridge Congress retreat in Australia was held in August 2023 and successfully attracted young players to the game of bridge, with an aim to establish it as an annual youth event across the country. The organizer, a bridge enthusiast, Nico Ranson, initiated this effort as a way to give back to the bridge community that had provided him with incredible experiences in his youth. The retreat provided an all-expenses-paid, fun, and low-commitment experience for novice and slightly intimidated players, combining bridge with various social activities to keep participants engaged. The event exceeded expectations, drawing 31 different youth players, including beginners and those with limited masterpoints, with the hope of creating a new generation of bridge enthusiasts.

The organizer's vision extends to hosting similar events in different states with established youth player bases, fostering a sense of community among young bridge players and encouraging more to join the game. They emphasize the need to highlight the social benefits of bridge to attract and retain young players, considering it an excellent way for them to have a good time while learning the game and building friendships within the bridge community. Funding is available for those interested in expanding youth bridge programs, with support from various bridge organizations.

ABF Foundation donates $2400 to Under 26 Women’s Bridge Team

At the 2024 Gold Coast Congress, I had the pleasure of presenting a cheque for $2400 to the Under 26 Women’s team which will contest the World Transnational Championships in Wroclaw Poland later this year. From my time as an athlete, I know how hard it is to fund training and competitions to pursue your dream of representing your country so I am especially pleased that the ABF Foundation is able to assist these talented and wonderful young women in their quest to become stars of the future.

Kim Frazer – ABF Foundation Chair

Bridge Clubs/Groups in Australian Universities

In 2023, the Foundation is supporting a pilot program to re-establish a bridge group at an Australian University. Universities have historically been an excellent source of new players but had been somewhat neglected more recently. We intend to bring university age students into the regular youth training groups run in each state. If the pilot is successful, our aim is to take the model and expand to other universities nationally to increase the number of young people taking up the game.

Help fund this project by donating to the Foundation.