Fund Raisers

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Tuesday, 15 February 2022, 7 PM (AEDT)

Place a bid to play a Gold-Point session on RealBridge with a professional or leading player in a Pro-Am Tournament to be held on Tuesday 15 February at 19:00 (AEDT).

Proceeds will support the ABF Foundation, established in 2020, to assist participants of all skill levels to enjoy and promote our fascinating game. The Foundation hopes to provide scholarships, promote regional bridge and bridge for youth right through to the retirement community; indeed, it will support any activity that is considered positive for the future of bridge.

Enquiries to

Pool : $4,725.00
Status : Closed

Bidding Starts : Monday February 15, 2021,  12 AM (AEDT)
Bidding Closes : Saturday February 12, 2022,  8 PM (AEDT)

Click on the player photo for a brief profile and to view the bids
Your bid must be between $0 and $0 more than the displayed bid.
David Beauchamp

 Current Bid
George Bilski

 Current Bid
Terry Brown

 Current Bid
Michael Courtney

 Current Bid
Arjuna De Livera

 Current Bid
Ishmael Del'Monte

 Current Bid
Nevena Djurovic
Be the first bidder
Initial Bid
Kim Frazer

 Current Bid
Jonathan Free

 Current Bid
Phil Gue

 Current Bid
Sartaj Hans

 Current Bid
Elizabeth Havas

 Current Bid
Susan Humphries

 Current Bid
Avi Kanetkar

 Current Bid
Ron Klinger

 Current Bid
Warren Lazer

 Current Bid
Phil Markey

 Current Bid
Paul Marston

 Current Bid
Kate McCallum

 Current Bid
Justin Mill

 Current Bid
Liam Milne

 Current Bid
Matt Mullamphy

 Current Bid
Bruce Neill

 Current Bid
Andrew Peake

 Current Bid
George Smolanko

 Current Bid
Avon Wilsmore

 Current Bid