Fund Raisers

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ABF Foundation 2024 Pro/Expert - AM Tournament

Tuesday, 5 March 2024, 7 PM (AEDT)

Place a bid to play a Red Point session on RealBridge with a professional or leading player in a Pro/Expert-Am Tournament. This is a single session event. You will be given the name of your professional/expert as well as their email address to finalise your system prior to the event.


Pool : $4,775.00
Status : Closed

Bidding Starts : Saturday December 16, 2023,  12 AM (AEDT)
Bidding Closes : Thursday February 29, 2024,  8 PM (AEDT)

Click on the player photo for a brief profile and to view the bids
Your bid must be between $25 and $100 more than the displayed bid.
Sophie Ashton

 Current Bid
Ashley Bach

 Current Bid
George Bilski

 Current Bid
Terry Brown

 Current Bid
Michael Courtney

 Current Bid
Ishmael Del'Monte

 Current Bid
Nabil Edgtton

 Current Bid
Kim Frazer

 Current Bid
Paul Gosney

 Current Bid
Joe Haffer

 Current Bid
Sartaj Hans

 Current Bid
Elizabeth Havas

 Current Bid
Simon Hinge

 Current Bid
Andy Hung

 Current Bid
Ron Klinger

 Current Bid
Phil Markey

 Current Bid
Liam Milne

 Current Bid
Matt Mullamphy

 Current Bid
Giselle Mundell

 Current Bid
Tony Nunn

 Current Bid
Andrew Peake

 Current Bid
Matt Smith

 Current Bid
Jamie Thompson

 Current Bid
Matthew Thomson

 Current Bid
Fiske Warren

 Current Bid